Groovy Bot For Discord Explained

February 3, 2022

Checking Out Groovy Bot

Basically, Groovy Bot For Discord is a Discord bot that provides users with music from YouTube. All of the permissions are for features to make the experience easier and more convenient for the user, such as searching/playing playlists or uploading custom emojis. GROOVY BOT FOR DISCORD was developed and programmed Live on stream and is 100% free.

What is Groovy?

Groovy is a powerful Discord bot that provides users with music from YouTube. The general idea is to give people easy access to music players they are familiar with but within the context of discord. Users can simply listen to whatever they want instead of having multiple music players open at once by playing out playlists. Music videos will also play in the background so synced up lyrics are available for those who want them.

Groovy Bot Advantages:

-Easy server management using a visual representation of commands -Play synced up Lyrics on applicable songs -Recently played playlist which automatically updates itself -Provides consistent entertainment for hours on end since its always running -URL support -Supports practically every major music player that streams off youtube


Groovy Bot can be found at:

You may join the server using this invite:

Why should I use Groovy?

  1. One of the most stable music bots available for Discord.
  2. No sign in required
  3. Lag-free and easy to use
  4. Comes with a host of features, including changing the bot’s output volume
  5. Supports various audio effects like Bass boost, night core, vaporwave, and so on.

Groovy provides users with easy access to many of the features found in other music listening programs, while also adding convenience through playing music within discord. Groovy Bot makes it simple to control playlists and set up queues for your entire discord community. Groovy is extremely easy to use and sits quietly in any chat channel you decide to throw it into.

Why should I choose Groovy over other bots?

The idea behind groovy bot is that it provides an all-in-one experience for everyone involved. With options for setting up custom playlists or searching youtube directly, its hard not to find something you like when using groovy! What sets apart from other bots, however, is how user friendly it actually is! Playing a song or video is as easy as typing one command, while groovy bot stays out of the way and runs silently in the background. No need to worry about music stopping when someone leaves or joins, Groovy Bot will never stop playing! Groovy Bot also offers unique features that can be important in certain situations, such as URL support for when you need access to a specific link only.

Groovy bot

Groovy Playlist Commands:

add – Adds url to playlist

remove – Removes url from playlist

clear – Clears entire current playlist

play – Plays current song/video on queue

pause – Pauses currently playing song/video

resume – Resumes currently paused song/video

next – Skips to next song/video in queue

prev – Goes back to previous song/video in queue

current – Gets current playing song/video

shuffle – Shuffles current playlist

shuffle all – Shuffles entire playlist including custom playlists*

replay – Replays currently playing song/video

repeat x – Repeat current song indefinitely** where x can be any number 1-6***

fav – Adds currently playing video/song to favorites * The bot only checks the first 10 songs on your playlist for duplicates. ** The bot will not replay a new favorite before replaying the last one it played *** It doesn’t matter which number you choose, they will be treated as equivalent. The per-role priority number will be considered in case you define more roles.

Number 1 is the highest priority, while number 9 is the lowest priority. You can set numbers 10 through 99 for your custom roles!

Note: Number 100 and higher will automatically be assigned to the default role.

If no per role priority number is defined, all users are treated equally with a single default role applied.

Groovy bot for Discord

How can I add Groovy?

If you are using any version of Discord lower than v5.2, type !bot login and follow the instructions in chat to begin your journey with Groovy.

NOTICE: If you use discord v5.2+, it is not required anymore to input the command !bot login, you will automatically connect to our servers. Just type !addrole (permissions) (name) (number).

How can I remove Groovy?

To remove the bot, type !remove. There are no additional questions asked. The bot will simply leave your server within a few seconds after typing the command!

What are the permissions needed for my custom role?

You can define your own roles and add specific permissions to them by prefixing !addrole with their name and number. For example: !addrole (permissions) (name) (number). You can add as many roles as you wish using this format.

For example: !addrole hello 10 Would give you a new role called “hello” with priority 10 while having no permissions assigned.

Examples of other commands: !help Shows all available commands and general information about Groovy! !settings Shows Groovy’s current update status and settings. !start Will begin a Discord bot session. !remove Removes the Groovy Discord bot from your server!

How can I customize my role with specific permissions?

The format used to define per-role priority numbers is as follows: Number(priority). For example, you can use any of these examples: 1, 10, 100, 12 or even 15.5!

The available permissions are as follows: !channel ( +|-)all #all – Allows you to read messages in channels that do not allow them by default. You will also be able to send messages on those channels if the channel mode allows for it. +channel – Allows you to create new channels. -channel #all – Allows you to delete channels that were created by yourself. +|-role (permissions) (name) (number) – When given a name, allows you to add or remove roles from your current server! If no permissions are defined, all users will be able to use the command. If a role is given but no permissions are defined, only Administrators can use the command. !removeaddrole (permissions) (name) (number)- Removes a previously set per-role priority number for a role! NOTE: Role names cannot have spaces in them and if they do it will cause an error when trying to type the command in chat so be sure there’s no space before or after or in the middle of the role name.

How can I make Groovy my default bot?

If you would like to make Groovy your default bot (so you don’t have to type !bot every time), there is a simple one-time step you must take! You need to link your Discord account with your Groovy account so that the software knows it’s yours. To do this, type !start in chat while being on our official server which will automatically open up a browser window for you to complete the connection process. Afterwards, be sure to checkmark “Make me an owner/manager” or something similar if prompted. We also recommend changing your nickname to something very unique so that nobody else accidentally becomes an owner/manager!

NOTE: If there is no reaction when starting the command, please wait a minute before trying again.

Final thoughts.

Hopefully, you have found this post not too technical. At the same time, it’s been very helpful and you’re reading this while listening to your music.


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