Karlsquell 7.5% Beer Review

 Golden amber but lighter in appearance than the Voll Damm Doble Malta. This is another high alcohol beer which when poured I found it to have quite a thin, white head. The head soon vanished with this drink soon after being po

Karlsquell 7.5%  in 330ml cans is a 100% Malta. German style and a Premium Lager beer found in Aldi stores. Bizarrely it has a bit of a cult following with the German band Slime writing a song of the same title. Though we suspect, in a cynical FLS way, that it’s more likely to be popular due to it’s cheap price and high alcohol content.



What’s In It

Water, barley malt, rice, maize & hops.

Tastes Like

Fruity but not overpowering citrus taste, quite sweet probably with oats/cereal coming through. Tasted a little lifeless, which matched the appearance. Not as sweet as some, this is a drink that’s probably best served after the good stuff or with a Madras.

The Data

  • Can size: 330 ml
  • Alcohol content: 7.5 %


Beer Enjoyment Score Total

It is what it is, a cheap, cheerful 7.5% can of wet stuff. Another range that’s about £1.00 per litre (as at April 2018). It’s not too unpleasant, but it’s not the first choice or even in the top 10 strong beers I’d suggest.

This is one that’s ideal for handing out at the end of the night when people have had several nicer drinks, are part pissed and just want something else with plenty of alcohol in. This scores a very average 4 out of 10.



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